God or America first, Mr. President ?

Highly Respected Mr. President Donald Trump,

I want to express my deep authentication for Your principles within the words:  „America First“.

However: Shouldn´t thuch commitment and responsibility for his country and people not be less than the natural basic-adjustment for any elected politican person and leader?

And I wish deeply in my heart, our politican leaders in Germany and Europe would have some little indication at least, for this self-understanding commitment for their own countries and peoples true, vital, origin interest.

Nevertheless our media here are trying to defame and disgrace You for this principle and everything  that You decide and do,  day by day over their multiple channels.

But why they are doing this really? What are the true reasons for this strange efforts?

I am very convinced the reasons are:

Your truth and reliability in fulfilling the election pledges  by Your leadership as the Predsident of The United States!   That is exactly the point that means  such a  big provocation to our system here, that bases on lies and election fraud.

Where political lies and other lies, and especially election fraud is the  accepted „business as usual“ ,  there fullfilled election pledges point by point, honestly automatically become a too huge provocation for them …

But one urgend question I would like to ask You with respect and seriousness, Mr. President.

Would it not much more right and more mighty for real Christians in followship to Jesus Christ and in struggle against anti-christ all over the world,  to say deeply from the bottom of the hearts:

God first and America next?

God bless You, Your people and Your country

Yours respectfully

Helmut Joachim Bloch